Structural Analysis of Lattice Steel Transmission Towers


Lattice Transmission Towers (LTT) and the associated transmission line systems are important infrastructure in modern society. Due to the complicated load conditions and the nonlinear interaction among the large number of structural components, accurate structural analysis of the LTT systems has been a challenging topic for many years. Still today there are some gaps between research and industrial practice. This paper presents a summary of research outcomes from current literature. Recent developments in structural modelling and failure prediction technology are reviewed in terms of connection joints, individual members and structural systems subjected to static and dynamic loads. The advantages and disadvantages of different approaches have been compared. Finally, the knowledge gaps, associated challenges and possible research directions are highlighted.

Safety and reliability of lattice transmission towers (LTTs) and line systems is important for modern societies. LTT system failure could result in significant economic and society impact. Apart from direct loss due to asset damage, post-disaster outages could cause huge indirect losses and severe consequences. Due to the high commercial and residential electricity consumption, high capacity and long span transmission line systems are widely used throughout the world. Such structural systems are susceptible to natural excitations, especially earthquake and wind load. Their stability and ultimate strength capacity are the primary concerns of researchers and engineers.

The structural behaviour of LTTs under static and dynamic loads have been continually studied for many years. A large number of substructural experiments have been conducted in previous decades and their results have informed full-scale tower tests. In addition, the behaviours of bolted connections have been specifically studied to complete the tower research system. Due to the development of computational structural mechanics, numerical study has become the primary research method in recent times. Many numerical simulation methods have been developed for the bolted connections, individual towers and line systems, which have been further applied to research on tower properties and structural behaviours.

Impact Factor: 0.64*                                                 

ISSN: 2472-0437

Current Issue: Volume 6: Issue 1

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Rosie Elizabeth,
Editorial Manager,
Journal of Steel Structures and Construction